The 1106 Angel Number: An Interesting Combination

Angel Reader Darren
5 min readDec 4, 2020


Angel number 1106 is a message from your guides that they are here for you and rooting you on. When you notice angel numbers it is a time to reflect and show thanks for everything in life that you do have. It is a time to truly express gratitude and love. Angel number 1106 is a reminder to stay positive, that things will get better, but only if you have the mindset to make them better. Your angels are cheering for you and they are here to support you, but ultimately your life is a result of the choices you make. Your guides are here to guide you but only if you want their guidance. That’s the beauty in all of this… everything is up to you and your free will to choose the life you desire. Before we get into angel number 1106, you have to understand the root. The numbers included in this sequence are 1, 0, and 6. 1 appears twice and the other two only appear once. Below we will discover the true meaning of this angel number and get to living a more positive and manifestation filling life.

If you’d like some real guidance from angel numbers, take a moment to answer a few questions and tell me about the numbers you’ve been seeing. I’ll do a free angel card reading with your numbers.

Number 1 is all about creation, and independence. This number represents being your own person and getting into your own skin. It is about achieving success through projects, imagination, innovation. Everything is in your hands and you create what you constantly think about. Number 1 is about joy and fulfilling your deepest desires. You will truly create what it is you believe you are capable of. This is a manifestation number that relates directly to you and your abilities.

The number 11 is a karmic number. This enhances the number 1 and brings in a higher power that is beyond you. Number 11 relates to having a spiritual awakening and seeing life as more than just now. There is more than the present and the past and the future. There is a whole other realm where things happen and opportunities await. 11 connects with being spiritually woke and enlightened. It relates with being ok with the unknown because it is only the end when you see life as a line instead of a cycle. The number 11 brings in additional creativity, inspiration and intuition. It is a reminder to open up your third eye and look beyond the “seen”. To look beyond the surface and to see in the unseen. Angel number 11 is here to tell us to live out our soul purpose, not only in the physical realm.

Angel number 0 brings everything full circle. There is beauty and innocence in this number. Its the flow and consistency of new beginnings, of new life paths, or the ebbs and tides of life. When you see 0 you are reminded to delve deeper into your core as a human and connect deeply with your spiritual side. Once you find the answers inside yourself your spirituality will grow and you will enhance your energy attracting more light and fruition into your path.

The last number in this sequence is 6. 6 is generally a number that people fear because of 666, but 6 is far from a scary number. Angel number 6 relates to love and family and friendship. It’s the number of selflessness and serving others. It’s about kindness and compassion and unconditional love. Everyone is a sinner, it is our job to love them anyways. Care because you are compassionate, not because someone is deserving or undeserving of being cared for.

Combine all these numbers and the angel number results in 1106. So, in addition to all the qualities mentioned above as individual characteristics of the numbers, this number has its own powers that are magnified because of the unity of them. There is power in numbers. Angel number 1106 is a message from your angels reminding you that you create the life you constantly envision. You are the maker of your destiny. You need t0 think positive thoughts and make your life worth living. Do not hold onto things or materialism. There is so much more to life. Seeing 1106, either the time or your birthday or an address, may also be hope that new things are coming your way. Unexpected opportunities will arise that will allow you to be creative and imaginative. These opportunities will help you grow spiritually and physically. Take chances and make changes when you aren’t happy with where you are in life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and grow from. The universe is here to help you meet your deepest desires. Angel number 1106 also asks you to clear space for new energies. Keep things in your home clean and only have things you really love. Clutter holds onto negative energies and past memories that no longer serve you or your highest good.

In numerology the result of adding 1 + 1 + 0 + 6 gives you 8. 8 is the number that connects with the fields of money, wealth and work. If you are putting positive and loving energy into your work you will succeed, but like with all success in life you must be genuine to truly see the results that you yearn for. Never stop enhancing your skills and the angels, universe and God will reward your efforts. 8 is an extremely powerful number and lets you know that with your drive for success you will succeed. Something to remember, however, is that you also must balance your wealth and work with love and play. True happiness can only be achieved through balance.

Angel number 1106 is extremely powerful. It carries so many messages to create a better life for you and to change your mindset. The number 8 carries very strong messages relating to success and wealth, and the patterns behind the numbers 1, 11, 0, and 6 are equally as powerful. Continue flowing through life and being open to everything life throws you. You will find success if you have a positive mindset and stay true to who you are.



Angel Reader Darren

The spiritual path is not one we walk alone but with those around us. I don’t pretend to have all the answers but I’m open to the search for truth and love.