Seeing 11:11 On The Clock All The Time?

Angel Reader Darren
6 min readDec 3, 2020


Seeing 11:11 on the clock all the time is a rare angel number pattern which is also most likely happening in other places (not just the clock). It’s a high energy message and you should be paying attention to it.

This is a run down of the 10 things you really should be paying attention to if you’re seeing 11:11 on the clock.

If you’d like some real guidance from angel numbers, take a moment to answer a few questions and tell me about the numbers you’ve been seeing. I’ll do a free angel card reading with your numbers.

Do you see angel number 11:11 throughout your day? On the clock, on your phone, in your phone number, on your receipt from the gas station or your receipt from a restaurant? Chances are your spirit guides are communicating with you and have a lot to tell you! Communicating through numbers is a simple way to send a complex and deep message to us earthlings. Eleven reasons you keep seeing 11:11 are listed and explained below:

  1. Listen to your thoughts You keep seeing 11:11 because you need to listen to how you are talking to yourself. Your angels want you to notice the amount of positivity and negativity you feed yourself. Watch the things you say to yourself, listen to your brain and your heart. Do you speak to yourself kindly or in a nasty tone? These are very important things to notice because you become a product of your thoughts. People can read into you and you express yourself onto others the way you think about yourself. You project into people. Seeing 11:11 is a reminder to listen to yourself in the loudest and quietest moments and to train yourself to think kindly and compassionately towards yourself.
  2. Manifest your wants You need to go after the things you want. You need to believe in yourself whole-heartedly. Think, believe and act on your wants, your passions. Live and breathe your desires. 11:11 Is a reminder to not back down, to go after your hearts calling and to keep trying until you succeed.. to keep trying even once you have succeeded. Manifesting is about believing things into existence. You truly have to believe.
  3. A portal is opening up for more opportunities Maybe you’re seeing 11:11 because you feel as though you are at a crossroads. You feel defeated and like you are at a dead end. Do not worry, more opportunities are coming your way. You know that phrase when one door closes another one opens… well it’s like that and the new doors are better and brighter. They hold more opportunities that are in line with your higher self. When you feel like things are on pause take the time to be still because a lot of greater things are on their way to you.
  4. You are where you are because of you Do you notice yourself playing the victim? Blaming where you are at in life because of certain circumstances or situations that you could not control. Do you blame your current standing on things that happened in the past? Or on family patters? Do you blame your zodiac sign or your dad or your mom’s mom? You get to choose your path and seeing 11:11 is a reminder that it is up to you. This life is for you not against you. You get to go where you want because you want it, not because someone else told you what to do or how to believe.
  5. You choose your life This ties in very nicely with the previous point of being where you are because of your choices. You have to power to change generational patterns and start new ones. You have the choice to live your life differently than anyone else in your family. You can be the first woman in college, or the first woman not to go to college. It is up to you to live your life and handle all the things thrown your way.
  6. You are surrounded by cheerleaders Spirit guides are cheering for you from the heavens, your friends, your family, your God… so many people want what is best for you. When you feel down and alone the angels may send you 1111 to remind you that you always have someone to lean on and talk to. Even if you can’t see them it does not mean they are not there to help motivate you forward. 11:11 is confirmation that you are never the only one rooting for you. You have a whole heaven full of spirits cheering you on. Do not give up.
  7. Create for humanity 11:11 is an indicator that you are made to spread your talent with the world around you. YOU are here to lift the vibration of the planet and make it a more loving place. Your imagination and your views are important. Create through your words, songs, and art a feeling of harmony and unity. There is so much growth to happen in the process of evolving and breaking down so if you feel lost know that a breakthrough is coming. You are here for a reason and your art and creativity will enhance the world. You will help others bloom.
  1. Repeat affirmations into reality Affirmations are extremely important. Whether you say, “I am worthy” over and over again or “I am loved” or “I am a creative light being” you are speaking those truths into existence. 11:11 is a reminder to always be feeding yourself worth and compassion. Compliment yourself the way you do others and they will show in your appearance and your existence. You give life to the things you give energy to so it is important to speak those truths into reality.
  2. Get grounded Go into nature and ground yourself to the earth, to this life that you are currently a part of. Seeing 11:11 may mean that you have your head in the clouds and need to come back into nature to find yourself and your human form. Get yourself back to planet earth and appreciate this version of yourself and the physical form. Go for a hike and feel the mud underneath your toes.
  3. Align yourself Your mind, your body, your heart and your soul are all one. 11:11 is a reminder to meditate, pray, and move. Are your thoughts and your feelings congruent? Are they in sync? Or is one screaming and the other silent. This life is about balance. Find your flow. 11:11 is telling you that you need to make sure you are in sync with yourself. And if you are not there is no better time than now to get there. Yoga is extremely an extremely powerful practice that is a good start in aligning your breath, body and mind.
  4. 11:11 ~ Make a wish Do you wake up randomly at 11:11, see how long you have to wait for lunch at 11:11? Hurry, close your eyes, and make a wish. There’s so much magic in these angel numbers, and so much intensity, sometimes you just have to be lighthearted and make a fun little wish!

There is power in the universe and so much love in the angel number 11:11. Go out and achieve your wildest dreams. Your guides are with you every step, jump and leap along the way.



Angel Reader Darren
Angel Reader Darren

Written by Angel Reader Darren

The spiritual path is not one we walk alone but with those around us. I don’t pretend to have all the answers but I’m open to the search for truth and love.

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