Angel Number 444 Love Meanings

Angel Reader Darren
6 min readDec 3, 2020


Angel number 444 is related very closely with love in all forms. This includes friendship love, family love, romantic love, platonic love, self love, unconditional love and spirit love. The numerology 444 is a reminder from your spirit guides or angels that you are not alone. There is always someone up above guiding you and pushing you towards the light. Although you have free will, you also have a destiny.

Luckily they are intertwined and you will go where you were made to go and be who you are made to be. When you feel like you are on the wrong path this number is a reminder that you will once again find your way. Do not lose hope and do not lose faith. The universe is rooting for you and you must root for yourself too. Below you can find the top ten reasons you keep seeing 444…

If you’d like some real guidance from angel numbers, take a moment to answer a few questions and tell me about the numbers you’ve been seeing. I’ll do a free angel card reading with your numbers.

Angels are close

Your angels and ancestors and spirit guides are close to you. They are around you and inside you sending love and support all the time. Sometimes you may forget and seeing 444 is a reminder that you are never alone. Love surrounds you. They are here to support you, protect you and inspire you. Your angels are proud of you and they are sending you signs and reminders to be happy and seize the day. Your loved ones that have passed on are never truly gone. They are with you in spirit always. They love and believe in you and are here to keep you on your path towards joy.


Seeing 444 is a reminder to evolve. You can grow and change without being a hypocrite. The only constant in life is change after all. If you feel stuck in your old ways this is a reminder that it is ok to let go of your past self and evolve. You can love who you once were and still want to change. All the versions of yourself are worthy of love. They all deserve respect. Growth is important; during different stages of your life you will need to learn different lessons and that is a beautiful thing. Do not be afraid to grow, your guides are with you along the path.

Unconditional love and peace

Always love, be a fountain that pours love into others no matter what they do. You will find inner peace when you do this. 444 is a reminder to love people because you are love, no matter who they are or what they have done. Being indifferent towards other, hating others and conditionally loving people is not kind or genuine or true. You are here to spread universal and unconditional love. You are here to light the path up for yourself and for others. For every living organism. You are made to make the world a better and more loving place Listen to your guides as they send you this number to remind you that through every trial and tribulation you grow and have more love to spread and share.

Listen to your intuition

Angel number 444 is here to remind you to listen to your gut feeling and your intuition. You have a sense of what is right and wrong and you need to follow that inner guidance. You have the entire world inside of you cheering you on and giving you signals. Always take time to turn off your mind and listen to the signs that are right in front of you. Listen to your body as it tells you what to avoid and what to follow. Your intuition and your gut do not make up stories and lie to you. Your body is the fastest indicator of telling the truth about others. Angel number 444 is reminding you to slow down and listen to what your body says… instead of speaking to yourself let your intuition speak to you lovingly.

Pray and/or meditate

Coming back to slowing down… 444 is a reminder to pray or meditate. Express gratitude for this life and the divine beauty we get to experience. Watch your perspective change as you give thanks to the divine, to something greater, something beyond, something that holds the future and gifts us with the present. Seeing 444 may be a sign that you need to take more time out of the day to devote to more. That your mind is taking control of you and instead you must take control of your mind.

Follow and pursue your talents

444 is a sign that you are talented. You are here to pursue and follow your dreams. Do not give up because you have struggled… instead push further and try harder. You might see this sequence of numbers if you feel like you’ve pursued every option and failed. This is a reminder that you are not yet finished. There is glory in the process, you get humble through failure. Keep failing and you’re that much closer to success. Failure is often a blessing in disguise.

Always be kind

Never stop being good and kind. It does not matter how people treat you, it matters how you treat others. Show respect. Be the example that you wish the world was. People behave based on what they know and their own level of consciousness. Do the same. You can always do better. 444 is a reminder that mean people cannot change your core. You can make a difference and you will. Be kind and genuine in every single encounter. Relationships are all we have, leave a positive mark.

Go outside

Nature speaks in her own language. She says what we need to hear. She speaks in the waves, the leaves, the sand and the grass underneath your feet. Nature is one of our greatest teachers and you can find the answers you need inside from being outside. You were given the earth to explore, go out and seek for the inside of your soul. 444 is a message from your guides to go out and appreciate the beauty of this world. To breathe in nature and exhale the stagnant energy that gets trapped on the inside.

Be in balanced and meaningful relationships

Spend your time creating beauty in the flow of love, in the flow of relationships. Be able to give and receive. You need a balance in every relationship. Just giving or simply taking is not meaningful for anyone. Every soul you meet is here to teach you a lesson and show you other dimensions of love.

Your passion has a purpose

Last, but definitely not least is a reminder from your guides to be passionate. It is your purpose to show your passion through your talents and to show passion in your relationships. Never dull your shine. You are here to make a difference and don’t let fear ever dim that sparkle that you possess. You matter and you are here for so much more than you can even envision in this moment.

Angel number 444 is a magical number filled with so much love and purpose. If you’re seeing this number often it is your guides telling you to keep going. They are telling you to fill your life with so much love and passion at all costs. Never give up because your wildest dreams are just one step away. You have everything you need right here and guiding you to beyond.



Angel Reader Darren

The spiritual path is not one we walk alone but with those around us. I don’t pretend to have all the answers but I’m open to the search for truth and love.